I had no idea what a voice note was until I read this article, but I’m rare in that I quit most of the big social media years ago. I think if I wanted to talk to people, I’d meet them in person or schedule a call.
I’m a xennial (gen x if you take the '82 cut-off), and I definitely hate talking on the phone unless it’s something urgent. I do schedule Skype sessions with my family back home (I am from the US but have lived in Japan almost a decade now; amusingly, Japan almost always requires calls, faxes, and/or going in person to do a lot of things, particularly as a foreigner). It probably doesn’t help that I did tech support for years and was on call basically all the time for a number of years.
Hrm, I wish I had gone to Costco last weekend as planned.that said, give 'em hell.
Edit: for context, I live in a place where many things are imported and global instability increasing at all increases prices of a lot of foods and a lot of things indirectly because almost all fuel is imported.