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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • This was the craziest thing to me. I spent a large part of my childhood in Oklahoma, and all of that was either in Tulsa or its suburbs, or at least in Tulsa’s gravity well as the closest major metro. I didn’t learn about this until I was almost 30. It boggled my mind to know that something horrible like that happened just a few miles from where I lived and I never knew. I think there’s a museum now, but I can’t for the life of me recall having heard of it when I lived there, so I think it may be recent-ish.

  • Tl;Dr: Biden believed, and still does believe, that he could have beaten Trump.* If this article is to be believed, it sounds like Biden was convinced to step down through a combination of big donors putting on pressure by withholding money and endorsements, and democrats in other races telling Biden he was going to hurt their odds of winning their election. It paints the picture that he recognized that any possible victory would have been both hard won and pyrrhic.

    *Imo, there’s very clear distinction between could (non-zero chance) and would. I maintained, and still do maintain, that Biden’s chances were dangerously narrow. Any possible path to victory depended purely on him being the Not Hitler candidate, and that’s IRL a far more dangerous wager to make than anyone would hope.

  • This has the same energy as the Musk/Zuck PPV fight from Musk’s side. Musk kept talking mad shit until someone pointed out that Dr. Soong also equipped Zuckerberg with MMA fighting action and an actually pretty serious drive to be in shape. Musk eventually “had to” call off the fight because his “mom said no”. I shit you not. Be on the lookout for some shit like that from Trump if he becomes convinced that Kamala is going to break him like a kit Kat bar.

  • I understand that we should stop funding and supporting the Israeli government, and I also think that this is, realistically, the best we’re going to get for the time being. No major policy battle is won overnight, especially in the US. It took marijuana reform decades and decades to go mainstream, and that happened because of efforts at the state and local levels forcing the federal government’s hand, and that’s still not totally won. It’s going to take decades of consistent effort to unfuck car centrism and bad urban policy, including housing. It’s going to take decades of consistent effort to get medicare for all and other desperately needed welfare reforms (not in the sense the republicans use it). It would be great if we could get a flaming radical who eats conservatives and shits effective policy, but the best, longest lasting, and hardest to erode results in the US are won by consistent, steady effort. Kamala winning would be a step in the right direction and a signal that speaking out for Palestine isn’t a radioactive snakebite for a presidential campaign. If this blows up on her, I expect the democrats to slam a lid on any talk of progressive policy for another 20 years.