• chingadera@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Well if he would just say the word “tariff” on TV a lot, we wouldn’t have any economic problems at all.

  • sumguyonline@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    What causes inflation? There is an interesting series of levers that allow for money to flow, but the actual act of the money flowing is always, ALWAYS! MOFO ALWAYS! Caused by someone making a conscious decision to send that capital resource down that financial avenue/vehicle/boondoggle. Now in a capitalism based country the incentive to send money out is to get money back in. So far, this is not all that bad, you got Jenny that took a loan and bought herself a big rig semi truck, when that loan goes out, the truck is bought, there is a resource expenditure that is net negative in society due to the debt incurred. Jenny needs to haul something, and needs to get a base return for the hauling that pays for the payment on the truck, the maintenance and repairs of the truck, and their own living situation. There’s a few levers that directly impact jenny, that directly impacts the final cost of a product because shipping has a specific labor rate associated with it, if those levers are getting pushed higher in one or unison i.e.- gas, repairs, and rent, all went up, they either have to reduce expenditures, or increase shipping prices. Boom inflation. So anything in high demand increasing the cost of living, is going to eventually increase inflation in a hellish circle, because cost of living is universal, and if one person must increase costs to maintain a quality of life, then society will eventually follow suit, looking at you blackrock that’s buying up entire neighborhoods. Part 2: Who ate my Lunch?: NOW! Why does inflation become a horrible cycle? Because the rich get less rich(not poorer, less rich) when inflation kicks up and peoples wages increase to keep roofs over their heads, so the rich want to be as wealthy percentage wise as they were previously, they increase their goods and services prices, next thing you know all their clients increased their prices because they were now less rich, until the wripple gets to the bottom where suddenly you go from $500 a paycheck free cash, to sub $150, even tho you are making significantly moar money. Now apply that to every job, sector, and profession, on the planet and you get a pretty close facsimile to our actual economic situation inflation and all. The only real “other side of the coin” for this situation, is for developing countries where there just isn’t much money to go around until jobs were assigned to the country(not created jobs, the people needing the work already existed, they just needed someone assigned to do the work so no job was created it was already present just reassigned), for instance India, where the tech support sector for a time raised millions out of poverty, or China where manufacturing received billions of jobs and brought field workers to a desk. But the argument that China isn’t a pure capitalist country, and neither is India, are valid arguments, since they aren’t, but both rely on capital to do ANYTHING. Try buying gas with communism, or socialism, capital will get you a lot further.

    • pivot_root@lemmy.world
      1 month ago
      1. Please use paragraphs.

      2. Your description isn’t terrible, but your conclusion is. Socialism isn’t going to magically fix everything wrong with society, but it isn’t any worse than a system designed to swallow itself whole due to its requirement for perpetual growth.