Children can begin school from the term after they turn three, and about one in four children are not toilet trained when they start in Wales and England, according to recent figures.
They should be toilet trained before they go to school. Changing nappies is not teacher’s job.
Grandfather Gavin Wise said the policy was “unfair”. "If the kid’s in school, that’s what they’re there for, to be looked after.
Evidently not grandpa or they wouldn’t be putting their foot down. The kids are there to learn, it’s primary school not daycare. I sure as shit wouldn’t be changing nappies of primary school age children.
If they employed someone else to come in and do that for them, it shouldn’t be a problem. I’d say it’s part of the job.”
And I’d say fuck you, pay me old man. Why don’t I just casually add scooping up kid faeces to the list of your expected responsibilities?
The article mentions the pandemic as a reason these kids are reaching 7-8 years old without learning to use a toilet?? Like wat? What else did you do in the pandemic if not teaching your children to use a toilet? Too much time stuck indoors with them? Weird shit.
Honestly 3 years old is so young for school. Around here you start in the fall after you turn 5. Before that you pay for day care or preschool. Daycare knows they’re dealing with diapers, preschools tell you before registration what level of help they’ll provide.