not enough, just back to the valuation of 6 months ago, and today even bounced a little, unfortunately
dead cat before the next cliff. hopefully.
Is that a phrase I’m not familiar with or…
That is a horrible phrase.
the stock market is a horrible thing. :-(
Ahhh. Hopefully then.
This stock is so leveraged, folks are hoping it to go down and to go up at the same time. These folks will make money the stock going either way.
yeah, my focus is really on elons loans backed by telsla stock. I want this seig heil sob to start personally fielding calls from his creditors.
I was on a car site where some people were asking “who is bankrolling all these protests?” They said that the fact there were “professionally printed signs” and that meant that “Soros and the DNC are funding these disgusting protests”.
I wanted to say something, but it just blows my mind that they truly can’t fathom that protests can organically form due to, oh I don’t know, all the shit that Elon is doing.