I have a secret to tell everyone… Chickens poop money. It comes out in little prepackaged enclosures called shells. They nearly survive by eating dirt and compost with a bit of feed here or there. Rip out your joke of a yard and 16th century nonsense plants, shoot the OCD assholes from the HOA, and grow a freaking garden and chickens. That lousy yard of yours could pay a handy chunk of rent if you stop living like cut grass and hydrangeas are a reasonable show of wealth instead of mindless consumerism.
If you want them to be healthy you will have to make sure they are getting enough calcium and nutrients, making eggs is hard work! They need a safe warm place to be every night and their coops need to be cleaned daily. They are easy keepers for the most part, and I love my girls, but they do require work everyday.
Otherwise I agree! Chickens can be kept almost anywhere and will surpise you with their personalities and cute chicken antics. Mine will sit on my lap and take treats from my hand like little dogs!