Cool stuff.
but also, if you’re cooler, wouldn’t you be more likely to stay out in the sun longer without realizing you’re getting sunburnt?
For anything important, use matrix instead of lemmy DMs.
Cool stuff.
but also, if you’re cooler, wouldn’t you be more likely to stay out in the sun longer without realizing you’re getting sunburnt?
mother […] has said she “cannot believe” he would have killed his wife.
they seemed “happy”
He had already been known to police, having been arrested on 3 September and was the subject of a domestic violence protection order.
had sent her photos of food they had cooked on the 10 November and she had thought they were “happy in their lives”.
earlier this week Harshita’s family told the BBC she feared for her life and believed Mr Lamba “was going to kill her”.
Violent manipulating sociopaths are experts at keeping up appearances.
About 2 gun murders every day in NYC alone, none of which have had remotely this level of scrutiny.
I am so fucking glad ubiquitous cameras wasn’t a thing when I was a teenager.
So, the update is they don’t know shit yet.
“We have always tested finished goods before they leave our control, and we remain fully confident in the safety and quality of the toothpaste we make. In addition, we have engaged water specialists to evaluate our systems at Sanford, have implemented additional safeguards to ensure compliance with FDA standards, and our water testing shows no issues. We are also making capital investments as part of an ongoing, significant upgrade of the Sanford plant’s water system.”
Corpo-speak translation:
Our own internal investigation found nothing wrong with it (that we didn’t already know and dismiss) but we’re also spending money to make it even more not-wrong.
copper coated iron wire is some dedicated cheap corner cutting garbage
And also maybe grab your kids before gtfo.
Never stop on train tracks.
In mid-July, tenants say they were told to leave the building immediately, with only the possessions they could get out of their rooms within the day. Several said they were offered money to leave, and that they were intimidated by the workers who allegedly broke and threw away tenants’ property.
Corporate bullshit.
That’s some nice work
“While everyone is entitled to their own political opinions, they are not entitled to disseminate political biases into our classroom,” the memo said.
Says man using his position to push his bias to schools.
I mean, they still might very well be mismanaging their funds, but the article is grasping.
The daycare on the corner has a bigger budget per employee for their Christmas party.
That sounds nuts at first… but then…
160k since 2017, which 7 years ago.
They have about 1500 employees.
That’s about $15 per employee per year.
I don’t know enough about this organization to pass judgement and I guess it depends how else they spend money, who goes to these events, etc. but $15/year/head isn’t necessarily as crazy as the headline sounds.
Might as well find out about this during a test.
I’d love to check again in 2 years. I wish them better, but judging by family with this sort of problem I half-expect all this to be more of the same given enough time.